Free Interactive Virtual Workshop

How To Have Lasting Fat Loss And Thrive In Midlife and Beyond

When Everything In Midlife Is Working Except Your Weight

Discover During The Live Session:

💗  The 3 Simple Foundational Strategies for Fat Loss in Midlife and Beyond

💗  Simple Nutrition & Workout Hacks 

💗  How to Up Your Fat Loss Game, Even if You Have Been Experiencing Pain

💗  Gain Clarity On Why You Might Be Hiding & What You Desire For Yourself

💗  The Key to Never Feel Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin EVER Again

💗  Leave The Session With A Clear Road Map To Change Your Life!

Join me LIVE for our virtual

 Fat Loss Class! 

Choose your date and time below: 

Join me LIVE for our virtual

 Fat Loss Class! 

Choose your date and time below: 

Join me LIVE for our virtual

 Fat Loss Class! 

Choose your date and time below: 

Join us for our LIVE virtual workshop! 

Sunday, June 30th

at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

📅 Thursday,

September 22nd at 

4 pm PST / 7 pm EST

📅 Saturday,

September 24th at 

9 am PST / 12 pm EST

📅 Sunday, 

September 25th at 

4 pm PST / 7 pm EST

Who Is The Fat Loss Workshop For?

For midlife women, society and well-meaning doctors tell us that we have NO CHOICE but to accept weight gain, live in pain, hide and become irrelevant. 
Well, I say NO MORE!

I’m hosting a free LIVE Workshop and I want to help any midlife woman out there who…

...has tried everything to improve her body and NOTHING has worked…

...is at the point of giving up and feels like a failure…

...and who feel like everything else in their life seems to be working...except their weight.

This is for ANY midlife woman who is ready to sustainably lose weight (yes, even those women who have been healthy their whole lives and don’t know why they can’t keep the weight off).

Will you join us and commit to changing your life?

Free Interactive Virtual Workshop

How To Have

Lasting Fat Loss And Thrive In Midlife

When Everything In Midlife Is Working Except Your Weight...

Join us for our virtual workshop!


Sunday, June 30th

at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

Discover During The Live Session:

💗 The 3 Simple Foundational strategies for Fat Loss in Midlife, and Beyond

💗 Simple Nutrition & Workout Hacks 

💗 How to Up Your Fat Loss Game, Even if You Have Been Experiencing Pain

💗 Gain Clarity On Why You Might Be Hiding & What You Desire For Yourself

💗 The Key to Never Feel Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin EVER Again

💗 Leave The Session With A Clear Road Map To Change Your Life!

Who Is This 

Fat Loss Workshop For?

For midlife women, society and well-meaning doctors tell us that we have NO CHOICE but to accept weight gain, live in pain, hide and become irrelevant. 

Well, I say NO MORE!
I’m hosting a free live Workshop and I want to help any midlife woman out there who…

...has tried everything to improve her body and NOTHING has worked…

...is at the point of giving up and feels like a failure…

...and who feel like everything else in their life seems to be working except their weight.

This is for ANY midlife woman who is ready to sustainably lose weight (yes, even those women who have been healthy their whole lives and don’t know why they can’t keep the weight off).

Will you join us & commit to changing your life?



Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change your conversation around age, potential, pain, and possibility with Midlife Motivation!


She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs, and coaching sessions. 


As a female in her 50's, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and helps you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals.


Her favorite clients to work with are the ones ready for help busting through everything holding them back so THEY too can create the life of their dreams.

Copyright © 2024 Natalie Jill Fitness

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